Garforth - PEAK Physiotherapy

Premier House, Garforth

Garforth ClinicPremier House is located conveniently on Aberford Road in Garforth, just a 2 minute drive from Junction 47 of the M1, within the New Hold business park opposite the Aagrah Restaurant and East Garforth Primary School. After turning into New Hold, take the first left and continue to the end of this road where you then need to turn left into the car park of Premier House and Premier World Fitness.

Local public transport links are well situated along Aberford Road, with Garforth station being only a 10 minute walk away.

PEAK Physiotherapy is situated on the ground floor of Premier House, in Suite 8. Access can be gained either through the Premier World Fitness / cafe entrance or to the right of the building through the business entrance.

Free and secure parking is available on site. For a map of this location, please see below.

PEAK Physiotherapy has access to the gym facilities at Premier World Fitness for rehabilitation purposes.

To make an appointment, please call Main Reception on 0113 287 0926.

Clinic times


Monday 8.30am - 11.30am Lauren Bolger (Paediatrics)
  12.00pm - 6.00pm Rachael Harris (Sports Massage)
Tuesday 1.00pm - 5.00pm Lauren Holyoake (Paediatrics)
Wednesday 7.30am - 4.00pm Isabelle Ward
  5.00pm - 8.00pm Dominic Futter
Thursday 8.30am - 1.30pm Kareena Reehal (Neuro)
  2.00pm - 6.00pm Victoria Murray (Neuro)
Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm Paige Copeland (Paediatrics)
  Or Rebecca Hussey (Paediatrics)


PEAK Physiotherapy - Garforth Clinic
Suite 8, Premier House,
New Hold
Aberford Road,
LS25 2LD


  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
  • PhysioConnect
  • hcpc registered (logo)
  • Physio-First-Logo
  • ACPIN (logo)
  • APCP (logo)
  • AACP (logo)
  • Sports Therapy Organisation
  • One Dance UK - Supporting Dance