Dancers are artistic athletes who place their bodies under extreme physical demands, often for hours at a time and therefore it’s not surprising that injuries are frequent. The level of intensity at which some dancers train and perform can lead to chronic injuries and complex musculoskeletal problems.
Over-training, inappropriate muscle control and form, poor nutrition, stress, inadequate dance floor surfaces and footwear, can all lead to injury and additionally, as different dance forms have evolved, so have their related injuries.
As this is both a specialist art and sport, injury prevention and rehabilitation warrants the need for specialist intervention, with a sound knowledge and appreciation of this field.
At PEAK Physiotherapy Limited, we have a Specialist Dance Physiotherapist, Sarah Joice, who is herself, classically trained, and experienced in the arena of dance physiotherapy for over 20 years. As a renowned Dance Practitioner, she assesses, screens and treats a wide range of dancers from professionals and dance scholars across the region, to those who simply love to dance recreationally.
Therapeutic intervention can include hands-on soft tissue and joint mobilisation / release, postural re-education and training in terms of dance alignment, muscle control and joint stability work, proprioceptive rehabilitation, acupuncture and dance-specific rehabilitation involving drills and technique training.
For more information regarding our Dance Service and common dance injuries, click here, or contact Sarah directly on 07908 684441.
PEAK Physiotherapy Limited is listed on the One Dance UK - Healthcare Practioners Directory.